

Lingua franca of North east


                                                  LINGUA FRANCA OF NORTH EAST

Lingua franca  is usually defined by sociolinguists as a which is used by people whose mother tongues are is used by them to facilitate communication between them.a lingua                   franca arise from a situation where different ethno-linguistic group lives together for a long time         but speak different languages.which are mutuallyunintelligible and they have to fine a common           system of communication.

                                                              THE NORTH-EASTERN REGION OF INDIA
                                                             comprises eight states at present and these states are arunachal  pradesh.assam.manipur,meghalaya,mizoram,nagaland,sikkim and tripura,all the above mentioned state except manipur,mizoram and nagaland were  carved out of assam either on linguistic lines or on the basis of ethnicity.

nagamese as a lingua franca franca of north-east.since nagaland is the above of twenty-three officially recognized indigenous eyhnic groups beside many other tribes who speak mutually unitelligible vernaculars that belong to the tibeto-burman family of is said that nagaland is such a state where language changes abruptly from village to village berely a few kilometer away from         each other and as a result,it creates a kind of linguistng of a few families only, "and in earlier days men and women in the same household sometimes had to use different from of speech''                        (elwin) it also brings an almost complete  break down of the communicative channel. historically,              

the variety and multiplicity of the naga languages are usually explained in terms of the living conditions of the nagas in the past, when villages were isolated and there was little of friendly inter communion between the nagas. therefore,it is belived that every era evolved its own vchicle of expression.

Nagaland became the 16th full-fledged                                                                                                    Indian state on the 1st of december, 1963. up to 1961, this area was known as the naga hills and tuensang area (BHTA). it was one of the first states in india to be drawn on ethnic rather than linguistic lines ( Krishna 1991). nagaland is such a state where not a single tribe  wants to inter-lingual communication owing to certain socio-political reasons.but in order to survive, all the human  beings need a language to communicate with each other.

The  nagas also had to communicate sometimes with other tribes, since the nagas did not want to learn the language of the other tribes because of the antagonistic attitude towards each other. they first developed a highly complex sing system, which turned out to be inadequate keeping in view the day to day interaction. so they finally took up another language, nagamese, based on assamese that is spoken in the neighboring state of assamese as well as understood in the whole of north-east, nagamese is socially neutral, does not belong to a paricular naga tribe it is not a mother tongue of any naga tribe. hence by mixing up assamese, nagamese is created. it is known as lingua franca of           North-East.


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